I would like to take this opportunity to say “Welcome.” You should take a few minutes and thank yourself for taking control of you health. Now is your chance. Take control. Start today. Write down your words, make your commitment, follow through and watch what you will be able to achieve.
A little information about who we are. We do Whole Body Vibration. We are a 10 minute exercise program that is equivalent to 1 hour of resistant training. Resistant training is done 3 days a week for best results, one day on one day off. You will have your own personal coach with you to motivate and encourage you through your program.
What is Whole Body Vibration? “The newest innovation in health and fitness.”
How Vibration technology works: when you stand on the platform, it produces vertical vibrations from side- alternating rocking movements which simulates walking. The energy is safely and effectively transferred to your body, stimulating every cell- your muscles, your bones and your soft tissue.
Our body reacts to this natural stimulus with an involuntary reflex body reaction. Depending on the speed, your body will react up to 24 times per second (12 contractions and 12 releases) and as the acceleration forces increase; your body will feel as though it “weighs” more. This clever technology means you can work against a far greater influence or “load” of gravity in every movement you perform. That’s less stress on the joints, ligaments and tendons when compared to regular resistance training. We are particularly unique because it achieves results for a wide range of health objectives for all ages and body types.
Whole Body Vibration has been shown, through extensive worldwide research, to have far reaching health benefits…
For your muscles… For anti-aging… For bones… For back pain…
For accelerated weight loss… For circulation…For firming and toning… For massage…
For beauty… For feeling good
Our machines are CSA approved and licensed by Health Canada.
Our goal is to help you reach your goal. We offer to do your measurements, scales to weigh in on a weekly basis. We track your progress and teach you that exercise can be very enjoyable no matter where you are when you start. One of our personal coaches will be with you the whole ten minutes you are on the machine encouraging and cheering you on (all included in your monthly fee.) we charge on a month to month basis with no contract, we cannot extend your time if you miss, as you can appreciate because the cost is already quite low. We also sell T-Zone Vibration machines for home use; ask your personal coach for information if you are interested. Wendy also does personal nutritional training to help with your weight loss goals for a fee. Again ask for details.
Tracking your goals is as important as setting goals and working towards them. You can assess yourself by becoming aware of how the body feels upon the completion of any activity.
For example, say that you decide to embark on a walking program as part of your fitness program. The first day you walk for 20 minutes on ground level. During your walk, ask yourself how did you feel after 10 minutes and 15 minutes and at the completion of the walk. Did you feel winded or uncomfortable during any part of the walk? Did you need to stop and rest? If so, for how long? Or, did you feel as if you could have walked for a longer period of time? How did you feel one hour after walking? When you got up the next day? After five days of walking? Use these types of feedback questions for informal tracking of goals.
Goals can be tracked more formally with written records. You might want to record weight records or body measurements for tracking goals that include conditioning or nutrition activities. Food journals or diaries help to track nutrition goals. Recording blood pressure or physical reaction to stressful episodes can help to track stress- reduction goals.
Living a fit lifestyle has physical and emotional rewards. You should be able to observe how your dedication to fitness has benefited you.
It’s important to know that over 60% of all adults who start fitness programs quit within the first month. Health clubs report that attendance is 80 to 95 % of memberships in January and the first part of February every year. Attendance typically falls off to 50% by March. By May, you can get your favourite exercise machine with- out a wait and find lots of room in exercise classes, even during prime time.
The good news is that adults who continue a fitness program for six months tend to continue fitness activities for many years.
Short- term goals are immediate goals; those can be met within two to four weeks. Short- term goals change more frequently than long- term goals. Perhaps your long- term goal is to lose 30 pounds and improve body composition and health. Short- term goals would include losing one to two pounds per week and incorporating various physical exercises into a weekly routine. In this example, the long- term goal would take approximately four months to accomplish, with short- term goals being met in shorter increments.
The short and long- term goals should be realistic. Short and long- term goals don’t need to be earth- shattering. A lifetime of fitness isn’t about drum rolls and fireworks. Most fitness goals should work toward improving your quality of life by generating a general feeling of well- being, enabling you to sleep well and wake up well rested, increasing flexibility and endurance, enhancing the ability to cope with daily stress, and decreasing the risk of disease.
Physically: I’ll be more flexible, I’ll have more energy, I’ll help my heart and lungs to be healthier, I’ll look good! I’ll help to decrease my chances of serious disease, I’ll reduce my risk of injury from everyday tasks, and I’ll feel better.
Mentally: I’ll be able to comfortably control my emotions, I’ll be better able to cope with day- to-day stress, and I’ll set a good example and be a role model. I think this will help me to gain the confidence I need.
We appreciate feed back if there are any questions or concerns please bring them to our attention. Tummy tucked in, hundred dollar bill, shoulders back head straight.
Welcome to Jiggle.
Please feel free to browse our entire site. You’ll be sure to find what you are looking for. If not, give us a call and we’ll talk pricing, at 506-738-2400.
Click on the “Talk Now” button to contact us immediately via telephone or click on the “Live Help” button to chat with our online receptionist. Our receptionist is standing by Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 8 PM (EST).